Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D.

Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D.

Ing. Jana Mazancová, Ph.D. is a professor at the Faculty of Tropical Agriculture, Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, where she served as Vice Dean for Development for more than a decade. Since 2004, she has been researching sustainable development through socio-economic aspects of waste-to-energy approaches in the context of developing and European countries. She is also interested in gender equality and rural women's empowerment. She has been a guest lecturer at several universities in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. She has coordinated or been a lead expert in more than 30 development projects covering regions in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe funded by the EU or the Czech Republic. As an independent evaluator, she has experience in decentralized evaluations of UN WFP programmes and international development projects of other donors (EU, MFA Czech Republic). She is a member of the CZU working group for the Gender Equality Plan, and a member of several expert bodies focused on sustainable development and gender equality in universities. She is the Principal Investigator of the Horizon Europe AGRIGEP project on implementing the Gender Equality in Research and Innovation at six European universities.